Metroview & 8 Mile (between Halsted and Farmington)

Farmington Hills, MichiganJul 19, 20020 Comments

25 MPH speed limit. Sits behind the house at the corner of 8 Mile and Metroview, partially hidden by baseball field hills when going southbound, but completely hidden when you go northbound on Metroview. Also will sit at the dead end north of the Green Hill Apartments street intersection waiting for people to come speeding out of the apartment complex and heading southbound on Metroview. I was pulled over and the cop actually apologized for giving me a ticket (only gave a no seat belt one instead) and said the few residents living in houses along Metroview complain to the local police to enforce it more. *VERY* random times of enforcement…middle of the night, rush hour, weekend mornings, you name it.

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