Mill Street near Justin Road

Lewisville, TexasOct 17, 20071 Comments

Motorcycle cop sits either on top of the levee in one of the small cutouts off the road or in the entranceway to the lake maintenance center on the west side of the road between the levee and Justin road. Often there during the evening commute. Will stop for slightly over the limit (5 mph), no mercy.

I live right around the corner from this point. Coming up Mill and it is so tempting to hit the gas to over the leeve and once you hit the top, you momentum will put you over the speed limit unless you are careful. Sometimes they hid at the entrance to the leeve or at the park lakes facility under the trees. They also hide at Park Lake/Mill intersection under the trees of the golf course and cath you coming down from the leeve heaading north.
#1Sep 07, 2010Report Abuse

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