Primrose St. & Grand Ave (West bound)

El Mirage, ArizonaMar 22, 20131 Comments

Photo (video) camera on West Bound Grand Ave. (Hwy 60). Traffic runs over you if you do the posted 45 mph! They drive 55 and better all the time! I was find $232 for doing 56 mph. I watched the video and I had 4 cars on my tail and 2 in front going the same pace. I went to traffic school to keep it off my record as I have had any type of citation in 20 years!

Same exact thing happened to me at Primrose St & Grand Ave, which by the way is a six lane divided highway!! It is my understanding they get people everyday with photo radar at this speed trap! Would like to know how much money El Mirage has collected with this photo radar!!!
#1Jul 17, 2014Report Abuse

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