Primrose Street

El Mirage, ArizonaSep 02, 20113 Comments

Photo radar speed and red light camera at Primrose Street and Grand Avenue. Speed limit 45 mph

Why are so many of these speed traps in El Mirage? not, as is claimed in a statement made in their press release so as to "get people to slow down." This is more a way to make income for a town that is likely over budget--in other words, fiscally irresponsible. Why do only 24% of people who get this type of ticket even respond? Do they not know you have to be given a ticket (or served one) in person. It is not a legal ticket to mail one to you. In addition, the fine is ridiculous: 250 dollars more or less, even if you are only 11 miles over the speed limit--which, by the way, was changed from 55 to 45 as recently as August 14. 2011. For folks who do not regularly travel this piece of road, there is not so much as a "traffic control change" sign. Many of you may be aware that, when something like speed limit is changed or a new traffic light is added, there are often warnings about the change. No so for little El Mirage. Way to make money off people for whom this is a full week's wage!!
#1Sep 25, 2011Report Abuse
What do you mean there is no traffic control sign? Do you mean there is no sign stating the speed limit is 45 mph? I noticed on the 303 loop, this is one sign from Grand Ave stating the speed limit is 45mph. All the sign from that point to I-10 are covered up. That is over 10 miles of highway that has no speed limit sign.
#2Sep 25, 2011Report Abuse
The city of El Mirage has several speed traps and you should avoid driving in the city if possible. I stopped shopping in the city over one year ago. It is a poorly run city who operates these speed traps not for safety, but for revenue.
#3Dec 11, 2014Report Abuse

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