Rosebud Texas

Rosebud, TexasAug 14, 20160 Comments

This one was the dirtiest I’ve seen. I was ticketed on the south edge of Rosebud. I had literally cracked a can of soda as I passed the cop. When I saw the lights I figured he had thought I was cracking a beer. When I pulled over I was informed I was going 42 in a 30. I couldn’t believe it. After receiving the ticket I went back to even see if I could get my truck up to speed that quickly. Turns out I could, and I should. The cop was positioned a block and a half south of the 45 mph sign and put his position on the ticket as a block north of it. I was clocked going 42 in a 45 and got a $200 ticket out of it. Now that is a speed trap.

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