Solano Avenue near Hoag Avenue

Corning, CaliforniaOct 03, 20071 Comments

If you exit at the Corning exit and turn left over freeway towards the City of Corning the street you’ll be on is Solano Ave.
The speed limit is 25mph and SolanoAve goes right through the middle of town.
At approximately 10:45 a.m. each day a black & white patrol car will be parked on the south side of the Hoag Ave intersection with Solano, radar in hand.
You cannot see the patrol car when you approach because of a curve on Solano Ave before the Hoag Ave intersection.

It is Solano Street not Ave, it is posted 25 mph.... The other is South Ave or state road A1 that runs the 9 miles east to west from I 5 to state 99E is clearly posted for the ones who can read and from that point south to Chico on 99E the speed is 65 most of the way for those who can read but you will find many going 55mph holding up the road and causing many a wreak.
#1May 22, 2010Report Abuse

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