Spauding Turnpike (Route 16)

Portsmouth, New HampshireJan 01, 20001 Comments

From the tolls in Dover until Rochester you need to watch out for the state troopers. You will find them basically in 5 different ways:

1) At the toll-boths (In Dover and Rochester). They are there inside the cruiser or (in the summer time) AT the toll-both with the radar gun.

2) In the middle of the roads, they hide in the turn-arounds for authorized vehicles only. There are 4 of these turn-arounds and usually people slow down when getting close to them, OR if someone is a couple car lenghts in front of you, your RD might catch the signal, so you make sure they are there.

3) Hidden in the side of the roads (going North or South), where you see lots of trees, specially between Dover Tolls and Exit 7 and between exits 9 and Rochester Tolls.

4) When you just passed one of the turn-arounds between roads and start (keep on) speeding, if they are driving in the opposite way with their radar on, they more than likely will turn around and come after you.

5) Heading down south, right after exit 9’s ramp, they are going to be on the shoulder, in your right inside just waiting for you.

It should be noted that most of the police activity is after dark or at rush hour. Also the speed limit is 55mph but you will only get ticketed if you go over 65.
#1Oct 15, 2010Report Abuse

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