ST. RT. U.S. 40 Columbus

New Rome, OhioDec 01, 20000 Comments

I am a New Rome Police Officer, the information that you have obtained is inaccurate, our annual budget is different then what you have it at, also we do not participate in the the act of pulling individuals over for not having a seatbelt on, to let you know in the state of Ohio it is not probable cause to pull a motorist over for not wearing a seatbelt. Also you were talking about Powell Police Department, you wrote that there officers were not that bright, and there quick to "pull there guns" go pull the police reports about the shooting and the chase before you start criticizing law enforcement, its public information. Also if you don’t know the type of equipment that they are using…call the dept. they have to tell you. New Rome uses K-band radar.

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