Stadler Street between Hayes and Saal Road

Sterling Heights, MichiganJul 08, 20110 Comments

Half way down this half mile stretch. The cop hides behind some bushes on the north side just east of the park. This road is definitely designed for 30 to 35 mile and hour. But with a speed limit of 25 mph it’s a real money maker. I see people getting tickets all the time. Still didn’t learn though. I got one a few weeks ago and there was no one on the road. The cop pulled me over for speeding but instead of giving me a ticket for speeding and 2 points, he said he was going to give me a break and give me a ticket for impeding traffic. Like I said no one was on the road but what a nice guy helping me to avoid 2 points. Guess what Speeding = $120. Impeding traffic = $150. Damn donut muncher could have given me a break by writing a ticket for no seat belt which would have been $65. Cop wasn’t being nice, he was just making revenue for the city.

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