State Highway Hwy 92 near Lake Acworth Parking Lot

Acworth, GeorgiaFeb 04, 20082 Comments

If you are heading from hwy 41 along hwy 92 there is a slight hill that leads to a bridge which crosses Lake Acworth/ Lake Alatoona and then there is a parking lot for visitors to look at Lake Acworth. This is usually where they sit. I was heading to North Metro one day and got caught on my way there, but on my way back the same guy was sitting there four hours later so time of day doesn’t matter.

I haven't seen them there just before 7am, yet traffic is usually not going over 50 at that time. After work, I get there anywhere from 3:45-6pm, and haven't seen them lately, but like you said, I had seen them there a few months back. April 23, 2010.
#1Apr 24, 2010Report Abuse
One of their favorite times are Sunday mornings. Your speed picks up as you start down the hill and they nail you at the bottom. I believe there is a law about tickets on steep grades.
#2Aug 26, 2010Report Abuse

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