State Hwy. 24, several miles from intersection of State Hwy. 24 and U.S. Hwy 301
Hiltonia is a small town supporting itself with revenues from speeding tickets. State Hwy. 24 (2 lane, low traffic) is an alternate route to U.S. 25 when travelling between Augusta and Savannah. Speed limit drops from 55 to 35 as you round a curve and that’s where "the man" sits. Don’t take this scenic route (hwy. 24), stay on U.S. 25. I know 6 people, including myself, who have contributed to the Hiltonia, GA Police Dept.
Vote for this Speedtrap below:
You can beat a ticket at this speed trap if the police officer continues to ticket drivers as they have in the past. Approaching HIltonia from the west (traveling east) the speed drops from 55 to 50, then to 40 almost in the same curve, the officer sets ahead on your left backed into a side street hidden with large low growth trees. He points his radar right at the 40mph sign and when you pass the sign he has you. Trouble with this method is it's against the law. He must allow you 500 feet either side of the speed limit sign to reduce your speed. If he did that you would easily see him and reduce your speed. You know the place is a speed trap because when the officer is giving you a ticket he suggests that if you come to court to pay the fine the judge will reduce the points against your license (not the amount of the fine mind you) just the points.
$210 yesterday and it's exactly as you describe it. I turned around and took pictures while the officer nabbed another victim. Hiltonia Georgia is the new ludowici.
The POS hides next to ,from what i can remember a small building .A **** hole of
a town extorting money from working people.
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