State Route 178 near State Route 204

Bakersfield, CaliforniaMar 11, 20080 Comments

As you exit west bound SR178 and merge onto SR 204, or golden state as it’s also known, there is a posted speed limit sign of 45 on the actual curve of the off ramp. A motor cop will sit in the parking lot of the County Parks and Rec next to the car dealership fence on the furthest north end of the parking lot under a tree. He shoots radar, if it’s a car they are shooting lidar. The speed quickly changes w/ in 20 ft to 40 mph just at the end of the off ramp, so if you were going 45 exiting off the ramp and you hit the end of the ramp and don’t slow down, boom, ticket time. I think the exit is suppose to be taken at 25 actually, so there are approx 3 signs there giving different mph. Definetly a speed trap. I got ticked New Years day on my way to work 2 yrs ago.

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