Bakersfield, California Speed Traps
Buena Vista Road in front of Stockdale High School
unReasonable Speed Ticket in a School Zone, VC-22350, Buena Vista Rd in front of Stockdale High School. I went to court to plead not guilty but was talked out of it by the cop who wrote me up. I plead ‘no contest’, to escape the bogus system, the phony ticket, the ambiguous documents and court process, and the ambiguous law. I was suckered more than once.
2/18/2016 7:03am – clocked at 44mph on a 55mph road. 3 BPD officers standing on the sidewalk next to the school, no children, light traffic, dry road, clear ahead, and a school zone sign 500 feet before a 4-way signaled intersection which is before the school, the school zone sign is in front of a turn-out to a different parking lot. Waved over to pull in, ticketed for exceeding the speed limit.
Me – “where are the children?” My second trip on this road, the school looks like another parking lot.
Officer – “over there”, points right, 100 feet other side of parking lot beyond 2 charter buses, and no children. I took a picture while he was writing me up.
A ‘Courtesy Notice’ arrived via USPS. It’s biased towards presumed guilt and revenue collection. Ambiguous terms and the contact phone number rings to a billing collections company, I thought I dialed a wrong number. The message eventually asks if you want to talk to the court help staff.
4/14/2016 arraignment, I plead “not guilty”, scheduled for trial, 5/18/2016.
5/18/2016 10am traffic court, outside of the court room, 8-10 cops talking to 8-10 citizens about their violations. One officer stated, ‘the regular judge is off, there are brand new judges in there’.
In traffic court 2 months later, directed by the bailiff to have a seat. 15 seconds later the officer who wrote up is asking me if I want to step outside.
Cop – explained my two options, plead no contest, or have a trial.
Cop – stated a trial would take more time as he would need to prepare (that’s when I should have stuck with not guilty), and a no contest plea which typically gets a reduction in fine with a quicker exit.
Me – ‘there were no children present’.
Cop – ‘they were over there’.
Me – ‘it’s unsafe to look 100 feet to the right across a parking lot behind buses, if those children are already on campus, they are “not going to or leaving school” so VC-22352 school zone limit does not apply’.
Cop – the school zone violation “falls under” a different code, VC-22350. Faulty logic, the unreasonable speed code must apply because of it’s numerical sequence?
Ticket shows ‘wet’ road conditions, see picture, surfaces are dry.
Me – asked cop if he understood how ambiguous this law and this ticket are, he said he had previously pointed that out to the court. [So why are we here?] And “why aren’t you guys ticketing all these texting drivers”? Cop – we do.
Me – OK, I say “no-contest”. I’m not staying here all day to watch new judges read their scripts on serendipity vehicle codes, too many cops in court, my insurance cost could increase, this cop wins no matter what. I’m in a ‘trap’.
Earlier at arraignment, each person was asked to state their name when approaching the bench. On trial date, in the court room, the officer and I step up to the podium with no introductions, no instructions, and the cop becomes my advocate.
Cop – addresses judge, ‘Mr. xxxxx (me) would like to plead no contest’.
Judge – can you pay the fine today or do you need a payment plan? Not, who are you? Not, are you sure the cop didn’t bend your arm? Just, how do you want to pay?
Final cost – $352 fine, $30 on-line traffic school.
No Contest – can that be appealed? Speed traps based on subjective laws should be eliminated. Don’t they violate our 14th amendment?
I’m ready to let this go, but don’t want others victimized by this bogus process that I actually pay taxes for.
Wible and White Lane
Red Light Camera. timing varies from 4 to 2 seconds on yellow light. Was caught on this and took video to court, but they just reduced the fine in half. $300.00
Should have thrown it out as I was in cross walk when light turned yellow going 25mph. Also videoed California and Oak same thing light timing varies from 4 to 2 seconds on yellow.
Hageman Road & Laurel Springs Drive
Unmarked dirt right off the south side of Hageman Road and adjacent to LSP Drive, sits a BPD with a radar gun…he perfers bright red sport cars, not necessarily the vehicles moving the fastest, so watch out!
hwy 58 /Rosedale hwy Overpass going west
CHP hides behind both sides of the Overpass on Rosedale/hwy 178/58 right near the sign and gets you at the top or as your coming down hes always there and hes ruthless so go 50 and don’t let this guy get you