Uniontown, Alabama

Uniontown, AlabamaAug 21, 20111 Comments

Coming west on Hwy. 80 toward Uniontown AL enroute to Jackson, MS today I was pulled over after 5 miles upon entering into Uniontown. The cop told me that was I driving 69 in a 55 mph speed zone. 5 miles back??? Are you kidding? At the time he pulled me over I was driving the speed limit. I did not recall speeding at any time. The only thing I can remember was obeying the speed signs.

Uniontown, Al Bad news city. I was driving a company car with out of state plates. Going through town heading east it becomes 55 from a 45. I never saw a policeman until about a mile down the road I see a car fast approaching and the cop hits the lights. I pull over, he says I was going 69 in a 55, and I said I wasn't even going 65 when he came up behind me, and the speed limit had already went up to 65. He said he got me about a mile back. There was no cop cars anywhere a mile back, it's open highway, unless they have stealth. I have never had a ticket in 35 years of driving, and I am not letting them get away with this.
#1Apr 18, 2012Report Abuse

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