US 411 enetring town

Benton, TennesseeJun 02, 20101 Comments

I live in the local area (next county) and everyone knows “about Benton”. None-the-less they got me, even though I was driving under the speed limit. My speedometer (and GPS) read 37 mph – the officer claimed 51 mph and they won’t show the reading. I just paid the $84.50 (thats what they all are) as the court is no more than a Kangaroo court – the “judge” isn’t a judge or even a lawyer. Buy your gas, hamburger, and soft drink some place else. Too bad, the Sonic was very good.

The person (US 411 Entering Town) who made these comments is exactly right as I had the same thing happen to me. The police wait just past the reduced speed sign, as you come into town over a small hill. As you crest the hill and start down, there they are. It is a "Kangaroo Court" as it's not in the courthouse, but in the sheriff's office. You sign in, wait, then go in front of the "judge".
#1Feb 11, 2011Report Abuse

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