US Highway 114 N/S near about 2/10mi. past the post office on the right in the cotton plant parking lot

Gould, ArkansasJan 17, 20050 Comments

I was pulled over in Gould by one of the officer’s in the "TOWN" of Gould and I haven’t had a ticket in nearly 3yrs. I also, work for the state and wear a blue uniform as well but the "officer" had no problem writing me a ticket on hwy 114 on my way home after working 12hrs. He pulled me over in a 45mph zone but said I was in a 35mph zone. If you have ever been on hwy114 going to Star City you know that the speed limit is only 35 when you are in front of the post office area and then about a tenth of a mile down the road the speed limit jumps to 45mph. And once again to a 55mph zone. I was in the 45mph zone but was wrote up for 54 in a 35.

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