US Highway 80

Uniontown, AlabamaMar 30, 20111 Comments

Beware! Uniontown is as crooked as they come. I had gotten a ticket coming into town when the speed limit changed from 65 to 55 and I didn’t realize it. I decided to go to court to pay my ticket in person. I took an afternoon off of work to go there…paid my ticket ($209)….and get this….on the way out of town…I got another ticket!! So they got me coming in and going out. The city policeman giving me the ticket was way out of line. After he gave me the ticket…when I was getting ready to drive off…he told me he had his foot under my car and if I drove off that he was going to arrest me for assault. It was dark at the time and…being a female…. to be honest with you…I was a little nervous. They have a serious abuse of power down there and I really felt like the whole courtroom was a bunch of crooks. They have gotten the last of my hard earned money. I hate that town.

Uniontown AL law enforcement is as unlawful as you will find. I was heading west on 80 into Uniontown. The cop pulled me over after 5 miles upon entering the city. He claimed that I was speeding 5 miles back. Are you kidding???? I am certain that he was wrong because I paid attention to all signs while reducing speed. There should be something done about this.
#1Aug 22, 2011Report Abuse

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