Utica-Rome 49 Expressway near State Highway 291

Utica, New YorkJun 09, 20051 Comments

Be careful on all portions of the Utica-Rome Expressway. There is a satellite state police barracks in Marcy, just a few miles from Utica… and the main barracks is in Oneida, which is a few miles beyond Rome. The state police use this as their main route between the two offices, so you never know if they’re just running transport, or if they’re looking to pick off speeders.

The greatest threat to speeders is within the Town of Marcy. This is where I’ve seen people pulled over most often, and there’s a new Town Hall under construction. Coincidence? You decide.

Thankfully, they aren’t too creative about hiding–the usual places like U-Turns and onramps–but sometimes with curves or tall grass in the median, you may not see them until well after they’ve seen you.

The one saving grace used to be the portion where NY49 straddles the NY Thruway (I-90) for the last few miles leading into Utica… with guardrails on both sides and no U-turns whatsoever, there’s nowhere for the bears to hide. But they have a few newer cars WITHOUT a rooftop light bar, so you have to be even more careful about watching the other cars on the road before you hit the gas.

One more note – there are often road work zones marked off, even when there is no actual road work going on. Or they’ll frequently post the signs 5-6 miles ahead of the actual work. But as long as the road work signs are posted, fines and points are doubled… even if there’s no actual work anywhere in sight. They love to zap people here, so don’t take any chances!

You can beat this. I recently got a ticket for doing 95 in the area of the expressway where it tags along the thruway. There was "road construction" signs and pilons all over the place....Funny thing is I know people who work fro the State DOT and when the Trooper nailed me I just smiled gave him my Information and took the ticket knowing FULL well I would get out of it because this was a day that NO construction was taking place in that particular area. Went to court, Judge asked me for my side of the story told him what happened and My friend from DOT was a character witness. Judge asked him how he was involved in this case and my friend explained that he works for DOT and there was no construction for that area I was stopped in planned for that day, so the Troopers had to of ILLEGALLY Set up the signs and pilons that were left there by DOT for the construction that was to take place the next week. Judge Looked at Trooper and asked if this is what was done and told trooper that if he lied he would be in contempt....Trooper admitted it was and Judge looked at me and APOLOGIZED for the "Stupidity of the NYS Troopers" and Threw my case out of court let me go with just a warning to watch my speed next time...And told the trooper "if this EVER happens again in his juristiction, he would file charges with the Head of the State troopers in Albany...SO you See you can beat the Troopers at their game if they do something Illegally and "STUPID"....I still speed in that area 85 to 90mph all the time and never have seen another construction zone since then.
#1Mar 27, 2010Report Abuse

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