Watson Lane between U.S. 41 North and Green river Road

Henderson, KentuckySep 04, 20031 Comments

Speed limit 30 MPH. Going west, you go down a big hill that you have to ride breaks to keep speed down. This officer’s job is financed by Federal Dollars and there is no getting out of a ticket.

There is also a speed trap on U.S. 41 at Henderson between KY Highway 351 and U.S. Highway 60. Henderson Police often set up in a turnaround just south of the U.S. 60 Interchange with U.S. 41. The turnaround is at the end of a barrier wall. Officer can monitor traffic in both directions where southbound traffic comes out of an extended 45 mph speed limit to 55. Northbound traffic comes down a hill from 65 mph speed limit into a 50 mph speed limit. Your web site would not let me make a new entry, so I'm adding it as a comment.
#1Jan 11, 2010Report Abuse

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