Brentwood, Tennessee Speed Traps
Murray Lane near Franklin Road
Headed east on Murray lane, the road splits with a median of trees immediately after passing the high school. One cop on foot targets cars with handheld laser from the right side of the road while several cop cars sit ready and waiting in the Princeton Hills neighborhood on the right. Also, further along the road cops park their cars in gaps in the median. Their cars are hidden by trees and the hilly nature of the road. Standard Ka and Pop radar in use beware!
Franklin Road near Murray Lane
Going north on Franklin Road, headed into maryland farms the speed limit drops from 45 to 35. On the left side of the road cops sit in the small exit of the Otter Creek Church parking lot. They ticket speeders headed north who have not yet reduced speed and cars headed south who have already increased speed from 35 to 45. Cops are hard to see as there is a small hill that they park behind.
Old Hickory Boulevard near Granny White Pike Street
Two Nashville police cars set up at the end of the median targeting traffic coming in off the interstate. Posted speedlimit is 35mph at top of hill approaching police, then changes to 30mph just past the police. Though still in 35 zone, tickets written up for 30 zone. Very common spot for metro to trap, especially during rush hour.
I-65 South, Mile Marker 74
I drive this stretch of road every weeknight, and more than half of the time, there is a State Trooper parked behind the guard rail. Your headlights will not hit the reflective stickers on the side of his car until you are on top of him.
North edge of Scales Elementary parking lot
especially in early mornings. catching people as they accelerate into the higher speed limit on Murray Lane