Dresden, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Bypass and city wide

Dresden, TennesseeJun 19, 20170 Comments

They play with speed limits on the bypass. In town headed out to bypass 30 mph. On weekends they have wantabe cop running radar.

hwy 22

Dresden, TennesseeJan 30, 20150 Comments

Dresden police officer was awarded an ‘award’ by the city of dresden for ‘writing the most speeding tickets’ of any officer in town and the majority of those were written along hwy 22. Dresden Mayor stated that the money from those tickets is used to “purchase police cars.” The speed limit goes from 65 to 45 with just one posted sign. Motorists should avoid Dresden.

Hwy 22 Through Dresden, TN

Dresden, TennesseeDec 12, 20140 Comments

The stretch of Hwy 22 that runs through Dresden, TN (about 7 miles worth) is an uber-speed trap. The trap is operated by both the Dresden City Police and the Weakley County Sheriffs Dept. I listen to the scanner approximately 12 hours a day and the amount of tickets issued per day easily reaches 70 or 80. The county has the 4th highest unemployment in the state so these tickets are revenue to fund the cops, the court and the local judge–who by the way–owns the building that houses the local probation office. They actually give an award for the police officer who issues the most speeding “citations.”

The entire length of Hwy 22 through the town of Dresden

Dresden, TennesseeJul 13, 20140 Comments

Unless you want a speeding ticket AVOID Dresden, TN like the plague. The entire length of Hwy 22 as it runs through Dresden, TN is a speed trap. This section of road is several miles long. You don’t have to be speeding to get a ticket. The Dresden PD will follow you waiting for anything real or manufactured. In fact, the city of Dresden routinely awards a police officer the ‘honor’ of “highest number of tickets written.” The city relies on tickets as a major source of funding. Avoid this town America.

State Highway 22 near mud creek

Dresden, TennesseeMar 21, 20053 Comments

hwy 22 south changes from 65 mph to 45 mph with one warning sign and one 45 mph speed limit sign. this is one mile north of old city limits. seems they have found a new source of revenue. BE AWARE

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