Somerville, Tennessee Speed Traps
I-40, and 64
I’ve seen police cars backed up off the road watching areas driving into town. Proceed with caution. Highly recommend a dash cam.
After entering Fayette Co
The speed limit drops upon entering Fayette Co, Tenn east bound. I had a family member arrested, placed in jail in Somerville. IF I had not had a tracking device on that car he would have shown disappeared for several hours. We were tracking his trip (college kid). Jail would not permit a call even though my understanding is Tn law requires a call to family, or minister, or lawyer before booking. Using google locator I found his car and called the jail. They said no phone call until after booked. I kept calling them and finally they allowed a 60 second call. This could be your wife, husband, or child. Make sure you use google tracking when a family member takes a trip. Believe me, you or your family member could be jailed by a jail that will not permit a call. Without tracking you have no way of knowing where your loved one is. Off an embankment? Car jacked, kidnapped. Use google tracker.
west of Somerville, TN
I had passed throughthis town and was out in the country. I saw a 65 speed sign and set my cruise control. As soon as I did, I saw blue lights in my rear view window and thought, "What in the world?". We were way out of town and I was afraid that it was one of those "fake " cops because i had not done anything wrong. Well, a city policeman came up to my window and said that I was doing 68 in a 55. This is the biggest scam. He said that the 65 didn’t start until that point. I argued that I saw the 65 sign and he argued that I wasn’t at the sign. He was just sitting there right at the point were the 65 and 55 speeds met waiting. While I was pulled over, another cop pulled a car over right behind me. Instead of being in town looking for "real’ criminals, they are out in the country preying on people just to get money for their town which is in a financial funk.
State Highway 64 near State Highway 64
they back in and hide in bushes, driveways.
State Highway 64 near State Highway 64
targeting out of town vehicles – it was specifically stated by the officer that he "singled me out". This is an area with one road in and out to visit a state prison and this was on the weekend when it was "visiting time".