Castroville, Texas Speed Traps

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US Hwy 90 1/2 mile before to several miles after Castroville

Castroville, TexasJan 08, 20150 Comments

upon leaving the city limits the speed limit goes from 45 to 55 to 60 within a quarter mile then increases to 70 – 1/2 mile before mile post 552 (the hwy 90 sign after the 70 mph sign). directly across the highway on the westbound side is a speed limit sign for 60 mph. I just increased my speed and stopped accelerating because I went slightly over. It was on my way to work at 2:30 am, there was no traffic etc. and it was the last week of the month. I was ticketed for traveling 73 mph in a 60 mph zone by a trooper traveling in the opposite direction (not stationary) who did an immediate u-turn. when I tried to explain to the officer that the speed limit was 70 I was told “not yet” and given a citation. I have been stopped numerous times on my way to work in the 2 or 3 mile stretch of hwy 90 through Castroville vicinity for not dimming lights, speeding 2 or 3 miles over posted limit for several seconds etc. My wife has been stopped numerous times as well. We both commute through here at around 2 to 3 am. I understand that this is probably at a time when there are a lot more drunk drivers out but there aren’t any bars in or near Castroville that I know of and neither of us exhibit characteristics associated with intoxicated vehicle operation. We are well aware of this Harassment Zone and extremely careful when driving through it.

US Highway 90 near FM 471

Castroville, TexasMay 03, 20071 Comments

Particularly high enforcement. Police officers are aggressive, impatient, and abusive with few exceptions.
City is in serious financial condition. Additionally, the city issues tickets with a Specific date and time of appearance rather than “on or before.”” The Traffic Scam in Castroville is an art form.”

US Highway 90

Castroville, TexasApr 16, 20070 Comments

Local Police sit in the parking lot of Sammy’s Restaurant on Hwy 90 waiting for speeders.

US Highway 90 near US Highway 90

Castroville, TexasNov 26, 20060 Comments

This trap is the worst on US 90…….the cops are under paid and trained, thats where the ticketing comes from and the town has a lot of accounting problems with the town so called leader…thus a trap for any goes to make the pay rool

FM 471 North near City Limit Sign

Castroville, TexasJun 17, 20061 Comments

Police sit at the city limit sign. You come around a curve headed south and there he is. Speed limit drops from 65mph to 55mph to 40mph in quarter of a mile. The wife and I both have gotten warning tickets because we were going 60 in the 55 zone. Even coasting you can’t slow down that much. Speed limits are unrealistic, few houses along the route. And, to top it off, our so called “speeding”” was outside the city limits. I warn everybody I can to stay clear of this burg.”

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