Cedar Hill, Texas Speed Traps

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Belt Line Rd. between Camp Wisdom near Cedar Hill State Park

Cedar Hill, TexasOct 26, 20230 Comments

60 Mph speed limit starts near Camp Wisdom then changes to 55 before Cedar Hill State Park Entrance. Motorcycle officer tucked in/near entrance to Cedar Hill Park. Coming southbound, going down the hill before the stop light is the perfect spot for unsuspecting drivers to pick up a little speed. Beware.

Beltline Road between Waterford and the Desoto Line

Cedar Hill, TexasMay 04, 20101 Comments

Police cars sit back off of the road or in the driveway of that retirement village and when you pass them going faster than 40 miles per hour, they hit you. Also watch for red light cameras in this city. Almost all intersections in this city have red light cameras. These are strictly for money making, not "Safety" as all of these cities proclaimed.

State Highway 67 near Tidwell Drive

Cedar Hill, TexasAug 02, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle police sit on top of the bridge at Tidwell looking down on to Southbound Hwy 67 pointing a radar gun at unsuspecting traffic and then they the two policemen tagteam ticket the prey.

US Highway 67 near Gifco Road

Cedar Hill, TexasDec 14, 20040 Comments

Midlothian Police sit on top of the Gifco Road bridge, off to one side. They are able to shoot laser over both south and north bound lanes. Be careful, You will not see them until it is too late. Speed limit is 65

Shiloh Rd. Overpass @hwy 67 South

Cedar Hill, TexasFeb 24, 20030 Comments

Several units park under the bridge, one clocks you, and the others pull you over. Usually on the southbound side of 67.

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