Forney, Texas Speed Traps

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300 Blk W. Broad St, W.bound Leaving Forney

Forney, TexasMay 29, 20160 Comments

From downtown Forney going on W. Broad St heading W.bound. He sits in his vehicle behind the Methodist Church. Early mornings, this same cop sits around school zone at 740 and The Large Baptist Church by the dog pound and tries to give tickets claiming your going 35 in a 30. Well After the school zones ends.

Intersectionof Ridgecrest and Wolf Dr.

Forney, TexasJan 03, 20110 Comments

Usually a red unmarked car sits on Wolf between two high fences watching for rolling stops at stop sign and expired stickers, etc…

Highway 80 @ Mesquite/Forney line

Forney, TexasJul 08, 20101 Comments

State Troopers sit on the bridge & watch traffic from both sides of the highway & pull you over just as you pass the bridge

ridgecrest Street near FM 740 and fm 548

Forney, TexasMar 07, 20081 Comments

Forney PD sits on side roads and radars. The speed limit is low and u will get a ticket. Hopefully u get lucky and get stopped by Officer Hotty Eudy..Ew Ew..Slow Down!

FM 688

Forney, TexasMar 01, 20040 Comments

Forney has purchased new patrol cars along with a patrol motorcycle. The motocycle usually sits on FM688 hiding between building between the dog leg of 740.

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