Mesquite, Texas Speed Traps
IH 635 at IH 30
Mesquite PD will be on the left shoulder of 635 south bound under the I-30 bridge in the shadows. It’s really hard to see ’em until it’s too late. Drivers are usually distracted by changing lanes and speeding while going around slow moving traffic that is merging and exiting to go east on I-30. This typically allows the left two lanes to be ‘wide-open’ and the police shoot these lanes. It appears they go after the 10+ crowd but don’t bet on it. Prepare by slowing down after you pass under Galloway.
I-30 at Northwest Hwy heading east
Many different police time in this area with laser
I-635 just north of the US-80 split
Mesquite PD will be in the margin off the left lane shooting LASER back at northbound traffic. There is a small hill that sort of shields them from view if you are northbound in the left lane.
Between I30 & I80 on Galloway
Constable’s will lay in wait south of I30 near Middle school on Galloway and south of Town East on Galloway near Car Wash. Often writing ticket’s for under 5 mile’s over. Also on Oat’s near O’Reily’s Parts Store in medium.
Pioneer Road-East and West bound
Dallas County Constables regularly hide on a sideroad (Tierra Drive between the Dollar General and Valero) on the south side of Pioneer. They typically sit off of Pioneer enough that you can’t even spot them. However if they are visible they blend right in as it just looks like a car parked in a driveway. By the time that you see them it is to late, they already have you. Speed limit is 30mph so watch your speed as they will get you for less than 5mph over.