Santa Fe, Texas Speed Traps

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Cemetery Road at entrance to Broken Arrow subdivision

Santa Fe, TexasJun 24, 20110 Comments

There is a water canal with raised banks. The police officer pulls up so the raised bank of the canal blocks the drivers view of his car until you are almost on it.

Hwy. 6 in Santa Fe

Santa Fe, TexasJan 08, 20110 Comments

Santa Fe has several speed limit changes through out the city limits. Depending on school zones (2) and regular limit changes you could find yourself in traffic court for going 5 miles over the speed limit (in regular speed zones).

Highway 6 & Avenue H

Santa Fe, TexasOct 04, 20100 Comments

Police sit on a little raised lot right on the corner facing east just past the West County Building. They catch cars going west into Santa Fe not slowing down soon enough after the speed limit drops to 45 from 55.

in the lot next to the court house

Santa Fe, TexasJul 01, 20100 Comments

when you are heading west on 6 the cops sit on a hill right after the court house. (and they also sit from here down to the police station which is at the first light after the court house, also they have been seen in the court house parking lot there is a fence hiding them, also across the street in a drive way). they are here at random times through the day and night i have rolled through at 3am and they are there the reason is it changes before the court house from 55 to 45

Hwy 6 @ Jackson Sreet

Santa Fe, TexasMay 03, 20100 Comments

The cops sit in the left turn lane facing west bound (between Family Dollar & Amigo Mart. They appear to be sitting in the turn lane to go toward Runge Park; only they sit far enough back they can stay there and radar. Be careful if you want to make aleft turn into Family Dollar heading east bound; they are actually blocking safe access to that street by sitting in the turn lane.

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