Selma, Texas Speed Traps
Along the shoulder of IH35 North and South
Officers will park under the bridge or side of the road with the hazard lights on appearing to be a disabled motorist and once you speed past them or commit a traffic violation your nailed.
Speed Trap
Selma has only two exits and two entrances along I-35 and has two subdued color cars to trap motorists. The city says they do not depend on funds from tickets but I believe otherwise
Interstate 35 near Exit Number 174a
Black Dodge Daytona Hemi’s parked on either side of IH 35. Very often seen searching vehicles. Make sure to know your probable cause rights. They are also fond of patrolling the popular Forum shopping center and harrassing shoppers.
Interstate 35 near Exit Number 173
If you are headed in or out of San Antonio, TX, beware of driving thru Selma, TX. About 20 minutes north of the city. Police are situated around small curves on the median of the highway and under overpasses. Its only a 3-4 mile stretch of road from Exit 175 to the big Loop 1604 Exit. You will most likely always see a cop somewhere on that stretch of road any time of the day with their radar gun on.
Interstate 35 North near Hooters
Selma PD has cruiser parked in the shadows of Hooters near the ditch and telephone pole on the feeder of I-35N. Lights are on to appear like a customer’s car. Lights are directed at oncoming traffic to conceal identity. Intercepted radar signal at Olympia Parkway. Long stretch of this frontage road looks tempting to increase your speed. Thus the trap.