Clearfield, Utah Speed Traps
Section of Center street that connects State St and new 193
Short 1/4 mile section of West Center Street in Clearfield between State St. And the new 193 Parkway. State St. Speed limit is 45mph and the Parkway is 50 mph and the little section that is a new wide street with bridge over the railroad tracks, with no businesses or residents on it is posted at 25 mph with some sneaky Clearfield cops generating some easy money for the city.
100 North Main Street
The police cars stay hidden in the businesses around and across the street from the post office. There is a school zone in this area and the limit is only 20 mph!
State Route 193 near State Street
If you exit I-15 at 334 exit and are heading into Clearfield on SR 193 Westbound look for a Maverick Gas station at State street. Across from the Maverick there is a Boat dealer lot where the police hide. The road from the freeway is downhill to State st. Usually out @ 10pm-1am Fri and Sat evenings.
455 South Street near 500 East Crossing
After passing Library there is a 1 Mile downhill run to State st. Posted 25mph, lots of kids in area. Police sit in car under large tree’s shade near intersection. Always in late afternoon when sun is in your eyes, easy to go over 25 in not careful. Trap is usually last week of month. Cops call
it "easy street". I seen 3 tickets in 25 min given, live nearby and seen lots of near misses at intersection. Watch for the kids from the Apts.,Please!
200 South Road near State Street
Your coming over an overpass that was built in 2002 just before the olympics. The overpass is slipping. So they’ve change the speed limit from 35 to 25. Going down the hill heading west is hard to maintain 25. The police sit in a storage parking lot at the bottom of the hill on the left and get you for speeding.