Fillmore, Utah Speed Traps
Canyons south of Fillmore, UT
The speed limits on most of I15 south of Payson are 80 MPH with places of 75MPH. However, in the canyons between Fillmore and Beaver the speed limit drops to 65MPH for about 3 miles. The UHP sits just around a corner where you can’t see them until it is too late and bang you thought you were doing good at 80 MPH but instead you are going 15 over. Fillmore has used this as speed trap for as long as I can remember. BOYCOTT FILLMORE!!!
Between Mile Markers 162-167
Parked right behind the Overpass. Goes from 80 to 75 back to 80 MPH. They’ll be waiting for you in the 75. Deceitful where they park to Radar. (Can’t tell they’re there until you get close enough) I didn’t even see the speed change sign from 80 to 75. Diesel or car blocked it from me. Had my Cruise Control going 85 in a 75 and got cited for 91. Took the Officer 2 miles to catch up to me. So I got off exit 165, then he asks if my brakes work? From my past experiences when I get a ticket they cruise up on me, this guy took his sweet time to get me. Speed Trap?
Interstate 15 near Interstate 15
The entire stretch of I-15 from the beginning of the first signs about Fillmore upcoming until you are completely through the town should be considered a speed trap. the troopers are very polite, but they are upset because of the speeders running through there and there’s no talking them out of a ticket once they’ve got you!