Kaysville, Utah Speed Traps
Burton Lane the through street connecting E and W Kaysville
Coming from Main street, speed limit is 25mph. However, it is a country-type road with no sidewalks and no homes for a good stretch and feels like it should be 35mph. The road curves and an officer waits around the bend with a radar gun to get you. I have to travel this road to get into my neighborhood. On trapping days, there is literally someone pulled over every time I drive by because the posted limit of 25 is ridiculous. This is easy money for law enforcement.Happens a couple times a month, all day. This week it was Saturday.
Rest Area N BOUND
UHP will sit on the far east part of the parking lot and hide behind a parked semi truck or vehicle so you can’t see them until its to late. This happens in the mornings from 6:30-9:00 AM
200 North Street West of I-15
This speed trap has been reported but is incorrectly noted as 400 North.
Years ago the speed limit was posted at 40mph. Since then the street has been widened to four lanes but due to neighborhood action after an unfortunate fatality the city council lowered the speed limit to 30mph.
An engineering study performed recently shows that the 85th percentile speed is north of 40mph. Virtually no one travels the road at 30mph.
400 North, West of I-15
Speed limit is 30 MPH. The street "feels" like it should be 35-45 MPH. It used to be 40 MPH, back when the street was narrower and had too many pot holes to even go 40 MPH. Now that it’s been resurfaced and widened, the speed limit was lowered to 30 MPH. Quite a revenue maker for the city.
County Trunk Davis near 400 North Street
County Sheriff waits on 400 North and the entrance to Brookhaven Subdivision. There is a school crosswalk on 400 North (I have never seen a student cross there). Flashing yellow lights take it down to 20 mph. This sheriff is there 80% of the time and will ticket those who can’t slow down from the regular 40mph to 20mph-beware.