Midvale, Utah Speed Traps
1070 Fort Union Boulevard
Not per se a speed trap, but a trap nonetheless. Going eastbound on Fort Union and turning right (into the parking lot for Chili’s) there are two signs – which I found easy to miss – stating “No Right Turn on Red Light.” Why? I don’t know.
But if you accidentally, or not, turn on red a cop parked next to the Blockbuster will most likely follow you and ticket you.
Cottonwood St & Cottonwood Sq
Daily the Midvale PD will sit in the parking lot on the eastside with radar gun in hand. The speedlimit on Cottonwood Street is 30. They can be found at all hours, day or night; however, I have never seen them on Sundays.
7200 south and east frontage road (catalpa street)
They hide in the park and ride lot where there are usually semi’s parked staying at the hotels. So you won’t see them until you pass the trucks. They are there 90% of the time on weeknights and almost none stop in the late night on fri-sat. if you come around the curve from harts gas station or the chevron headed south west towards motel six they’ll get ya!