Murray, Utah Speed Traps
4500 south between 700 east to about 300 east
I live right next to this speed trap and see a pulled over vehicle in front of my house every morning.
The cop sits on the north side of the road about 300 e in the easy to hide apartment parking lot on bike in summer, and lately in a truck. Heres the important part. He looks east and radars the vehicles coming down the HILL heading West. The speed limit is 40mph so they know its easy to accidently speed up a bit down a hill. All they are doing is revenue generating. BEWARE OF THIS SPEED TRAP! I see cars pulled over everyday because I live right here!
4500 South 350 East
Early morning speed trap between 5am and 8am, cops hide in the parking lot entrances on north side of 4500 south and nab cars as they come down the small hill going westbound. Look for the Murray Police decal that lights up when headlights it it.
I-215 Westbound, just past the Redwood Road exit
As the freeway curves to the left (west) the UHP will sit on the left shoulder just next to the median barrier so you can’t see them until you come around the curve
Vine Street and 5400 South
On the East side of Vine Street, they park in the vacant lot of the old Wagon Master Restaurant. They usually have their radar guns out and ready. The speed limit is 30 – I would suggest keeping it to that on Vine Street all the way.
KnollCrest 4th East Street near 5300 South Street
This street on the South side, is loaded with tree’s and I shrubs, the Police with Quite often just sit on one of these side streets and monitor with radar, go the speed limit from State street to vine, or get a Ticket….its that easy. Good luck