North Salt Lake, Utah Speed Traps
Eagle Ridge Drive
While driving through this neighborhood, local PD will use radar ether while moving or sit on the side of the road stationary waiting till you approach. It can be constant or instant on, so be careful. This neighborhood has windy roads that they can easily hide around the corner so look out.
Eagle Ridge Drive (North Salt Lake City)
Sometimes while driving through this neighborhood, local PD will use Instant On KA Band Radar. You would never expect it. Watch out for whose coming behind, and take the turns slowly. I’ve been traveling into and out of this neighborhood and sometimes you’ll encounter a rolling cruiser whose using Instant On Ka Band following behind. Or they’ll be stationary, hiding around the corner as you approach. Its a very windy road. It can be hard to maintain speed going downhill so look out. If you’re lucky, someone nice enough will flash they’re high beams as a warning.
Legacy Parkway between 500S and I-215
Cops love to sit under overpasses on this stretch of the Legacy Parkway
North Salt Lake/High 89 Exit (Northbound)
When you exit Interstate 15 northbound onto Highway 89, the speed limit quickly decreases from 65 to 45 (within 500 feet). Law enforcement is waiting for you within another 500 feet, literally. This is one of the most offensive traps I have ever seen. Moreover, it’s typicallt the North Salt Lake police and they sit to the side of the road with no clearance between them and the road, representing a major safety threat. They would rather catch you than worry about you colliding with the officer’s car.
North Salt Lake – Eagleridge Drive
There are five points on Eaglewood Drive within a 2-mile eastbound range that the North Salt Lake Police trap unwary drivers (using a 30 mile-an-hour limit in an area that should have a 40 mile-an-hour limit). The traps start at U.S. Highway 89 and the Eagleridge Drive exit, through the round-about and up past the Eaglewood Golf Course. They will also cite you for less than 5 over the limit. In fact, all North Salt Lake speed laws are all thusly enforced.