Park City, Utah Speed Traps
I80 East of Highway 40 exit
As you pass this exit heading east towards Wyoming the road climbs slightly for about a mile. Just over the crest, there is a turn around that both UHP and Summit county park at. If you have out of state plates, plan on getting pulled over for the most minor of offenses (ie. following too close, crossing the white line, window tint, etc.) They will stick their nose in your passenger window to get a good whiff of your world and can have drug dogs there in about 10 minutes. I have seen many, many out of state vehicles with owners handcuffed standing by the side off the road while their car is torn apart.
Kilby Road (various locations)
Summit County Sheriffs often sit in unmarked Black Ford SUVs and Black Pickups between Ecker Hill Middle School and Quarry Village and wait for unwary motorists to exceed the 35MPH speed limit. They also will hide between Quarry Village and Summit Park to enforce the 40MPH posted speed, especially near the new school.
Highland Drive between Old Ranch Road and Kimball Junction
Summit County Sheriffs often park near the entrance to the Swanner Nature Preserve in Black Ford Pickups and SUVs (often unmarked) waiting for people who exceed the 35 MPH speed limit or who fail to come to a full stop after crossing under I-80 to get onto Highland Drive. Enforcement activity is most active in late afternoon.
I-80 East bound
On the way to Park City from Salt Lake there is a UHP car waiting low in the center median just about a mile after you get over parley’s summit. More UHP activity today due to Memorial Day holiday traffic.
Not a speed trap; a fake “Failure to Stop” Citation
At the extreme south end of Park City, a short distance after the exit from I-80,
is a right turn onto a short street that turns out to be a major entrance to town.
Just a block onto the street is a stop sign & you find bushes/trees/undeveloped
to right of the sign, and town to the left. A cafe/restaurant is about 100-yards
to the left. Somewhere in the “wilderness” to the right of the stop sign, hides a
constable, UHP, sheriff, or ??? Turn left to the cafe, (the reason for leaving the
I-80) and the law suddenly appears behind you with a citation for “not coming to
a full stop.” A phony charge to build the local treasury. Unrelenting fake.