Pleasant Grove, Utah Speed Traps
1300 West between PG Blvd and State Street
Every night between 5-6pm there are PG Cops that sit on this dark road between Pleasant Grove Blvd and state street. The sign posted is 25 mph coming off of PG blvd which is 40 mph. I was ticketed there last month. The sign is off the side of the road and often cars park in front of it so it’s hard to see. This road seems like a 30-35 mph zone, but they’ll nail you for it every time. Now that I look there on my way home, there are cars pulled over every night. I even tried to dispute it at the station, when I described the road they knew exactly where I was talking about. I want to post a speed trap sign on that road because it’s a complete joke.,+Pleasant+Grove,+Utah,+84062&ll=40.363386,-111.759882&spn=0.012246,0.027874&z=16
4430 UT-146
AF Police sit on the East Side of Canyon road facing North capturing speeders heading North and South on Canyon. They like to hide in front of the snow pile after a good snow right before the road turns East.
E 1100 N & State Highway 146
As you are traveling East towards the entrance to the Canyon, the speed limit is 50 MPH closer to 4800 West. By the time you get to North Park Drive, the speed limit drops to 40 MPH and you start to travel around the bend where the PIN is. At that PIN, there is a parking lot for the water retention on the North side. A white SUV, highland officer will sit there and get you. By the time you see the 40 MPH sign, the officer has already got you for doing 50 in a 40.
E 200 S & S 700 E
The PG High School parking lot is the PGPD’s favorite place to park & wait for speeders! However, 200 South is patrolled all the way up & down so keep it under 30 MPH unless you want a ticket…if you’re lucky you might get offered traffic school.
500 North Road near City Cemetery
The whole length of the street, from the cemetery all the way up the hill, is watched by the PGPD. They like to hang out around one of the three churches located along the street. Most activity is between 300 East and 700 East, and holidays create easy pickins for the cops.