Provo, Utah Speed Traps
700 N., 500 E. Street near The Colony apt. complex sign
Police car parked slightly inside on the left (when faced from west towards east)of The Colony apartment complex sign. Usually enforcement of stop signs, occasional speeding trap.
N University Avenue near Stone Gate Lane
Going south on University, it is the 2nd street on the right after the Riverwoods shopping complex. Usually one to two cops are there in the afternoon and early evening. This street is an entrance to a gated community. Not sure about laser, but they use radar.
University Parkway near Canyon Road
Provo Police hide in the entrance of the stadium parking lot just east of Canyon Road to get the cars that are coming down the hill from the east.
Quail Valley Drive near Timpview Drive
From Foothill Dr. down Quail Valley Dr. to Timpview Dr. Quail Valley Dr. is a rather steep hill with a high school and a grade school at the bottom. The speed limit is 25 mph and when school is ready to start, cars are constantly going over 50 mph down the hill. The police love to sit on the side roads and nail speeders as the come down. They are there 2 to 3 times a week.
Foothill Drive near Timpview Drive
One the north end of Foothill Drive, as it comes down the hill to Timpview Dr. and Canyon Road. The police hide behind the cemetary sign and regularly nab drivers as the come down the hill. The posted limit is 25mph. With little in the way of traffic, a wide road and little housing, people have a tendency to speed. The police are there at least once a week.