Riverdale, Utah Speed Traps
Freeway Park Drive or West Riverdale Road
Freeway Park Drive or West Riverdale Road between the air museum and cherry creek apartments cops hide in parking lots and then come out and write tickets when you pass by them. The speed limit is 35 mph when it should be like 45-50 so for sure a speed trap so Riverdale can make money
I-84 on ramp to I-15 North Bound
UHP will hide far back on the merging lane and can’t be seen because of the overpass, they will clock you and pull everyone over before you can even pass the 31st street exit.
1000 W. 4200 S.
A cop car or suv sits in the cul de sac right under a tree right across from the apartments so it does not matter if you are going north or south you will get clocked and ticketed. Residental zone and school zone! Watch you speed cause the one at the end of the street by the church will get you to. I live right there and see it a hundred times a week!
Parker Drive near Just south of the Weber River
While traveling south on Parker Drive, as you come out of the last (southern most)curve after the river, if you are doing more than 30mph, you will receive a speeding ticket.
4400 South Road near 1000 West Road
Motorcycle cop sits below large tree in LDS parking lot; north side.