Taylorsville, Utah Speed Traps
Northbound Bangerter Highway & 5400 S
Officers station themselves at the end of the 5400s onramp where it meets up with Bangerter. As you approach 5400 s to cross over the top of it, the entire highway turns fairly sharp to the right and does so for quite a distance. Additionally, the slope of the road becomes much steeper just after going over the bridge to 5400 s. This combined with the turn of the roadway, requires virtually every vehicle to slow abruptly. Very easy for the officer to stand there with his Lidar and catch many people speeding.
Southbound Redwood Rd between 47th and 54th South.
This stretch of road has no speed limit signs posting what the speed is, and lots of convenient side streets and parking lots for cops to hide in.
6000 South Redwood Road
The motorcycle cop parks on the median on east side of the road. I was driving northbound and coming to a stop at the traffic lights at the Shopko parking lot access, when I noticed he was behind me. He ticketed me for driving 5 miles over the limit. The $95 fine seems excessive: $50 for going 1-10 mph over the limit, plus a $40 "secondary surcharge" for who knows what, plus a $5 convenience fee for paying online. What a nifty source of revenue. Boo, Taylorsville!
2700 west between 5400 south and 4700 south.
Cops park on side streets watching cars. I’ve been pulled over once and seen them more than once. The cop that pulled me over told me that the city council asked them to monitor that area due to speeding problems.
3200 west, between 5400 south and 6200 south
Taylorsville City Police department is all over this road, almost daily. They don’t hide out, but they get you before you see them!