Camas, Washington Speed Traps

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Parker Street near Red Light Crossing

Camas, WashingtonJun 22, 20060 Comments

Usually there is a police car sitting at the bottom of the hill waiting for speeders or those who ran the light.

State Route 14 near 192nd Avenue

Camas, WashingtonNov 18, 20050 Comments

State troopers sit on this overpass often.

downtown area

Camas, WashingtonJul 15, 20020 Comments

Police have been holding sting operation on failure to yield to pedestians. They have people run out from curb and nail you for 86.00 fine. Washougal will be next target area. Police will pull you over for stupid reason, looking for dui victims. Don’t drink and drive in this small town, no crime here so police victimize the hard working man that stops for a beer. They also watch tavern parking lots and nail you as you pull out.

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