Lake Stevens, Washington Speed Traps
State Highway 204 near Market Street
Extreme enforcement on HWY 204 after leaving the tressle.
The hill used to be 60MPH all the way to 91st Street just before the HWY 9 intersection. Speed on the hill has been reduced to 55 MPH after getting off US 2 (tressle) and now immediately turns into a 35 MPH zone just Before Market street according to the police testimony and maps, even though the actual speed limit sign is shortly After Market Street. The "expectation" is that you will be going 35 by the time you hit the Single reduced speed ahead sign.
Lake Stevens Police has banded with the Snohomish County Sheriff in this enforcement as well as Lynnwood Police, Everett Police, and WSP. All PD’s have been using "contracted" officers if it interferes with jurisdiction (Everett PD, Lynnwood PD) so there is no way out with that.
From first hand accounts the vehicles have been standard cruisers, unmarked cruisers, motorcycles, marked/unmarked SUVS. From a friends account there has been a white Dodge Charger as well on several days.
The enforcing officers have estimated speed only with me on two occasions and refused to offer a radar/laser readout.