Milton, West Virginia Speed Traps

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East of Exit 28 I-64

Milton, West VirginiaMar 25, 20110 Comments

Heading west on I-64, approx. 1-2 miles east of Exit 28. Going uphill, with slight right bend at top of hill. Troopers will sit with all lights off in the median, just at the crest of the hill, slightly hidden by the bend, and cite for outrageous speeds. Going below the speed limit won’t matter. Fighting it will also result in the ticket being upheld. 86 in a 70, when my speedo read 65. Curious.

Interstate 64 near Exit Number 28

Milton, West VirginiaFeb 22, 20070 Comments

City cop sits in median approximately 1 mile either side of exit.

Interstate 64

Milton, West VirginiaJul 06, 20040 Comments

Some moderate enforcement of both west-bound and east-bound traffic before and after the Milton Exit of I-64. Also be advised that there is very heavy enforcement closer to the Huntington/Barboursville Mall exit (Exit 20). May be anytime of day, but especially evening and late night.

Interstate 64 near Mile Marker 28

Milton, West VirginiaApr 29, 20040 Comments

Just east of the Milton Exit, the awaiting officer sets in the Emergency turnout that’s behind a small knoll. It’s clever and well suited for the east-bound lane. Traffic is almost always heavy so even if you’re not speeding be ready to dodge out-of-control police cruisers entering and leaving the median.

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