Parkersburg, West Virginia Speed Traps

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172 – 174 mile marker Interstate 77 North and South bound Const. zone

Parkersburg, West VirginiaApr 06, 20110 Comments

State, county and local law enforcement have been checking speed in this area hot and heavy recently. Speed limit goes from 70 to 55, you get 4 mph over. They have speed trailer set up showing your speed. those with detectors beware, there may also be a policeman lurking in the area when your detector goes off from the speed sign trailer. 1 lane north, 1 lane south.

Cadillac Drive

Parkersburg, West VirginiaFeb 18, 20110 Comments

After school hours the police sit in the school bus dropoff in front of Hamilton Middle School. You wont notice him coming from Fairview headed toward 36th street. Once you do notice it is too late and he has already tagged you.

Emerson Avenue, by the tombstone shop

Parkersburg, West VirginiaSep 10, 20101 Comments

Parkersburg City Cops sit by the shop catching folks going north from the traffic circle. There is a nice little straight that should be faster than it is. Speed limit is 35. When you make the slight curve most folks are doing 40. Which is the speed limit further up the road.

Interstate 77 exit 176

Parkersburg, West VirginiaJun 11, 20101 Comments

Speed trap local sheriffs department hurting for money sitting along Interstate 77 near exit 176 north . Also be aware of them sitting on Route 50 bypass.

Route 2 just before the inter state.

Parkersburg, West VirginiaApr 06, 20100 Comments

Route 2 just before the interstate. Sit in the FedX parking lot.

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