Delavan, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Interstate 43 North near County Trunk O

Delavan, WisconsinMay 03, 20051 Comments

Saturday before Easter Sunday, picked up on I-43 North, 1/4 mile from South County O Hwy. Officer was sitting on the side of the interstate in a large black SUBURBAN vehicle. Did not expect that. Officer was not lenient with the ticket, but I am attempting to lower the speed from 87/65 through the court.

Interstate 43

Delavan, WisconsinMar 01, 20020 Comments

I drive Interstate 43 Monday – Friday from exit 21 (Delavan) to exit 57 (New Berlin). The bears patrol this stretch of I-43 frequently. It seems like i always see them sitting at exit 25, 29, 50, and 57. I have seen them sitting at other exits along the way but those are the ones that stick out in my memory the most.

Heading north out of town on Hwy O

Delavan, WisconsinMar 01, 20020 Comments

Sits in the driveway of a redish house just before curve, close to 2 miles north of intersection of 11 and O. Mostly seen on weekends.

Washington Hill

Delavan, WisconsinJan 01, 20020 Comments

they sit at the botttom of the hill, at the entrance to springs park and at the bottom of the hill further back behind trees, so you never see them there until its too late.

Hwy 11 by the High School

Delavan, WisconsinAug 01, 20011 Comments

They sit in the water sanitation driveway and clock the people coming into town and leaving town. Coming from Janesville, the speed limit is 55mph and then drops down to 45mph with a reduce speed ahead sign and then to 35mph. Without warning it drops down to 25mph right before the driveway.

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