Pewaukee, Wisconsin Speed Traps
US Highway F near State Highway JJ
The cops sit in the pain and dolan parking lot going south on hwy F (old 164) a lot of times they will also sit in the median under the bridge and on the other side of the road they also sit in a residents drive way going south on hwy F be careful i have got caught 4 times and they do not give you a break it is Pewaukee come on they are always in a marked car.
Duplainville Road near Capitol Dr overpass
Officer sits on side of road next to two large trees…Usually in a slicktop Dodge Intrepid. You dont see him until you come over the hill if you are driveing southbound or around curve under bridge if north bound…Speed Limit is 35 but I have gone past him at 40 anything over that they nail you…be careful…
Green Road
Sometimes cops will hang out under the highway 164 bridge on green road and late at night it is really dark on this road and they are hard to see.
State Highway 16 near ryan Road
Pewuakee Cops! They’ll get ya from ryan road all the way east to interstate 94. They like to sit on the Ryan road overpass (hidden) and get you going east and west bound. They also like catching you coming west bound off of 94 onto sixteen, right as you round the corner, also eastbound they will hide on the other side of the mainstreet overpass by wctc and catch you there. watch out pewaukee cops are bored and like money. They will let you pre-pay at the station.
Gandview Street near Interstate 94
Pewaukee police will sit behind the GE medical sign and radar/laser people leaving and entering the Waukesha County Technical College area.