Princeton, Texas Speed Traps

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Yorkshire Drive

Princeton, TexasJul 17, 20090 Comments

They are waiting until it gets dark and the policemen are standing behind the tree in a yard holding a radar gun.

Yorkshire Street near US Highway 380

Princeton, TexasDec 23, 20070 Comments

They r waiting until it gets dark and the police men are standing behind the tree in the Funche’s yard w/ a rader gun

US Highway 380 near Lake Lavon

Princeton, TexasJul 23, 20070 Comments

The Princeton Police Dept. stations their squad cars and motorcycle officers out of the city limits but take radar pictures of motorists barely still in the city limits. They also hide between obstructions on private property to catch people unaware.

State Highway 380

Princeton, TexasJan 13, 20061 Comments

As soon as you approach the city limits of Princeton there will likely as not be a patrol car on the side of the road. They will ticket you as the speed limit drops from 70 to 45 as well as I recall.

Highway 380, one mile east or west of downtown speed zone

Princeton, TexasAug 05, 20020 Comments

DPS will sit in unmarked cars on side of road in plain site (usually red/black color, no hazzard lights on, dark tint). Units will tag cars coming over the hill (hills on either side of Princeton) and call ahead or personally pull you over if other unit is busy. Lots of tickets on this road since it’s new, wide, open and fun to speed on through the country. Not sure how so many people get caught – a large tinted sedan on the side of the road should be enough to cause suspicion – but it works anyhow…

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