Apache Junction, Arizona Speed Traps

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US-60 between Florence Junction & Gold Canyon

Apache Junction, ArizonaSep 18, 20090 Comments

There are usually 3, but always 2 AZ.Highway Patrolmen,and a Pinal County Deputy working the area between Gold Canyon and Florence Junction. This is straight road, usually moderate traffic. Why this warrants so many patrolmen, I don’t understand? If they want to catch real speed nuts they should be working the 101, or US60, between Mesa Drive and Dobson, I see speeders driving at least 90 mph, tailgaters, crazies, etc. The only time you will see a patrolman in those areas is in response to an accident.

US-60 between Superstition Mountain Dr & Mt View Rd

Apache Junction, ArizonaSep 18, 20090 Comments

A dark blue unmarked sedan sits between the divided highway on the small hill as drivers come in from Mesa/AJ and usually has the radar on. Sometimes it is on POP mode while others it is laser. He drives back and forth between Superstition Mtn Dr (Bashas) and past Peralta Trails (past Walgreens). US 60 between Mt View Rd. and Superstition Mtn Dr (Basha’s)

Idaho Road & Broadway Ave

Apache Junction, ArizonaJan 20, 20090 Comments

A.J. police car regularly parks back in the vacant lot in the SE corner of Idaho Road and Broadway road, watching for speeders. Site often used after dark.

Superstition Boulevard near Tomahawk Road

Apache Junction, ArizonaFeb 05, 20080 Comments

Cruiser parked in empty lot on Superstition near Tomahawk. Light enforcement usually late at night.


Mountain View Road near US Highway 60

Apache Junction, ArizonaDec 28, 20070 Comments

White Photo Radar van parked on the east side of Mountain View can be anywhere from just northof US60 to just south of Broadway Avenue. It’s the same van that someone reported as being on Broadway Avenue. The locations are alternated. Both are speed traps for the unwary.

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