Flagstaff, Arizona Speed Traps
I-40 Eastbound just past Country Club Dr. (East Flag.)
Speed limit increases from 65 to 75 as you leave Flag. DPS waits there for those who accelerate before the sign. Also, they lay in wait in turnouts, one in particular about a mile past there on the left side.
Northbound I-17 near Kachina Village (& Southbound too!)
Earlier entry describes DPS patrol car getting Northbound traffic where speed drops from 75 to 65. They also get southbound in same general area as motorists start speeding up leaving Flagstaff. They were also using an AIRCRAFT a few weeks ago in the same area. I know because I am a pilot and was advised to watch for low flying aircraft that was working I-17. He did indeed land shortly after sundown (C210, 2 DPS officers) just after I was parking my plane. I have a second home in Flagstaff and commute between Flag and Phoenix both by car or private plane weekly. This is one of the hottest spots for easy money near Flag. Watch yourself here! (usually ok if 10 or less over the limit. When they stop you they want to make sure it sticks.) Adult son recv’d ticket for 95…expensive..,didn’t listen to warnings.
near intersection of turquoise and ponderosa prkway.
Flag pd sit up in new cul-de-sac above the intersection looking to see if you make a complete stop. Also speed limit on turquoise changes from 35 to 25 south of stop sign.
I40 at the I17 on ramp
Arizona Highway Patrol (DPS) wait beside the eastbound traffic and profile all vehicles. They will pull you over for anything and then ask to search your car. If you decline they will bring in the K9 which always seem to get a hit. Then three to six DPS units will surround you and expect for all your belongings to come out and be searched. Once I saw a frightened family standing by the road as their suitcases were opened their clothes tossed out. Even their little pet bird cage (with the bird) was out on the ground.
After going past these scenes over and over again on my way to Colorado from California, I got my pilot’s license, purchased a Cessna, and now I’m cop paranoia free. I’m 7 thousand feet above it all now. If you can afford it, buy an airplane — it’s a wonderful feeling to reborn into freedom, like we had 20 years ago in USA.
I- 40 Bus & S Blackbird Roost St
I drove through Flagstaff on 9-12-09 and saw at least 7 cop cars with at least 5 pulled over. Drove through 9-29-09 and saw at least 10 cop cars with at least 7 pulled over.