Mesa, Arizona Speed Traps

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Bush highway south to Mesa from Salt River recreation

Mesa, ArizonaJun 14, 20100 Comments

This speed-DUI trap is set up on weekends. It is for folks coming home from tubing on the Salt River. It is set up after the ridge on the hill coming out of the Salt River plain into Mesa. Mesa/Maricopa county sheriffs usually have about 4 motorcycle officers at the top of the hill where you would naturally speed up when the steep hill levels out. An additional trick here is they usually have another radar trap a mile down the road when your guard is down!

On Signal Butte From 600 ft N. of Guadalupe to Baseline

Mesa, ArizonaMay 15, 20100 Comments

White photo van sits on gravel under trees just north of where Signal Butte changes from 2 to 4 lanes.

west bound AZ 202 1 mile west of Gilbert Road on ramp

Mesa, ArizonaApr 11, 20100 Comments

Photo radar, mobile white highway patrol SUV sits behind a row of concrete barriers making it unnoticeable until close .. this same vehicle sits on the east bound 202 just east of Val Vista on ramp a mile or so..

Gilbert & McKillips

Mesa, ArizonaMar 31, 20100 Comments

This is both a red light running trap and a speed trap. If you speed up to get through the light and you are 10 mph over you are had!

Brimhall Jr. High on higley and southern.

Mesa, ArizonaMar 30, 20100 Comments

The cameras put right in front of brimhall initially was only put there for speeders (35mph) during school hours. Now the cameras are set for speeders for all hours of the day. Beware, it’s 45mph when school is out, anything above 50mph you will get flashed!

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