Mesa, Arizona Speed Traps
On Broadway between Val Vista Dr. and Greenfield Rd. for eastbound
A motorcycle policeman is hanging out and returning to the Broadway Storage Solutions parking lot and catching people going eastbound on Broadway toward Greenfield. He has chased two cars and is back now again at 5:18 PM on 4/06/2023 in a 45 mph zone.
Baseline Rd- block/few blocks west of Extension Rd heading west
creepy speed trap economic raping of motorists- Baseline Rd- block/few blocks west of Extension heading west – I was heading south on extension, turned onto baseline road heading west – no postings , no warning, could not even see any speed limit postings – huge camera on opposite side of street – Baseline – traffic heading east –
Power road, many areas and intersections
Power road between University and Brown. Bad both during school and after and on weekends.
Gilbert Road stretch between 202 freeway access and 87
I’ve been driving for 20 years and I’ve only ever gotten two tickets in that time period. One in 2010 and one yesterday. The first time I was traveling west to go home to Fountain Hills and this time I was traveling East. However, I got a bogus ticket in a parking lot by an officer 2 months ago around Gilbert and University where I had yes, my first ever accident. I just got my car back and I was going to the dentist. I went to traffic school although I easily could have fought the bogus ticket that was given to me in a parking lot based on an accident that occurred an hour earlier. Ya, I always find the best people whenever I mess up. I was cited by a police officer who only had the story of the other driver University/Gilbert. I went to traffic school in January and I just got my car back. So, the speed trap between the 87 and the 202 ramp is perfect for people because almost everyone who drives this desolate but 2 lane each direction like the 87(beeline) were driving 65. It goes down to 45, small print, no lights flashing or a machine out large saying “your speed is”. because there is a cop on either direction who sit behind the bushes giving tickets all day long with their radar gun. I was going 57 eight years ago and 72 this time so last time based on what most people do unless they are familiar with the cops around the area 57 would be under the conditions and 72 is starting to get up to speeding, 7 mph over the speed I was just going either direction. The only reason it is 45 was because it flooded awhile ago and so they had to make the road larger median in middle and going east bound it stretches up. The 45 was initially for the conditions of flooding and also when it was being worked on but the police saw a gold mine here for tickets and decided instead of making sure people know the speed limit and can’t miss the posted speed signs, just have normal posted signs. In 20 years, these are the only 2 speeding tickets I ever got. I got the bogus right turn on red at Ellsworth and 202 which is also a very small sign. I love how police dramatize the situation in order not to look stupid. They always say “you almost got hit,” or “are you drunk, you’re weaving,” or “you swerved when you came out of the parking lot. I have a medical condition and police aren’t smart enough to know that not everyone who has this is impaired. So I always carry a letter. I loved it when I was stopped because, well, they said I swerved once and it was “really bad” when on the phone. I said to the police how I was going to medical school in a few months and they said “we can take all of that away from you” because I was on the phone with my father and said they were stupid and they heard me I guess. They searched my car and found the syringes for my animals. They assumed I was shooting up drugs. Thanks for keeping us safe from me. It’s illegal to drive if you’re me, I guess. I highly doubt they would pull over a large man driving the same route because they want to stay safe. I will lost my car and insurance in a month so I probably should just move out of the country now because this place just isn’t pleasant to live anymore. If you need money, have a fundraiser. If you want to make the roads safe, please get drunk drivers and cell phone users off the road. Don’t bother me anymore.
Crismon Road between Emelita and Pueblo (across from H.S.)
There are fixed speed cameras on both sides of the road across from the high school. Almost everybody knows they’re there but every now and then somebody will go fast enough and you’ll see the flash go off. My best estimate is that the threshhold is 10 mph. It’s 45 mph most of the time and goes to 35 mph during school hours. I’ve gone through it at 51-52 mph without issue.